Ali Hassan Rehman (2008-VA-144)

Isolation Of E.Coli O157: H7 From Cattle And Buffalo Meat From Slaughterhouse Of Two Different Management Systems In Lahore - 2016. - 34p.;

The present study was designed to identify the presence of E. coli O157:H7 in buffaloes and cattle carcasses that were slaughtered in two different management systems in Lahore. In Management system A, proper risk assessment and hazard analysis was done and food safety protocols were followed in contrast to Management system B in which animals slaughtered on ground and no hygienic practices were followed. The present study was attempted to detect presence of E. coli O157:H7 in carcasses that were slaughtered in these management systems. For the confirmation of whether E. coli O157:H7 is present or not serological test were performed. For this Latex agglutination Kit method was used.
A total of 100 meat samples, in which 50 (25 Cattle and 25 Buffaloes) were collected from management system A and 50 (25 Cattle and 25 Buffaloes) were collected from management system B. These samples were pre-enriched with Modified E. coliBrothand afterward cultured on Cefixime - tellurite Sorbitol MacCkony Agar. The colonies which were colorless and small were selected for confirmation with Latex agglutination test.
For confirmation of E. coli O157 latex agglutination kit reagentswere allowed to come to room temperature. A pipette was used to transfer 0.2 ml normal saline into a 12 x 75-mm test tube.Using a sterile loop or needle, pick sufficient colonies from the plate and suspend them in the saline to achieve turbidity. One drop of the Prolex™ E. coli O157 Latex Reagent(Blue color) was placed in a test circle on the test card. Using a Pasteur pipette one drop of the test suspension was added into the same test circle and mixed by using stick provided. The card was gently rocked and examined for agglutination for up to two minutes. Isolates that were positive result with the test latex were tested further by repeating the procedure using the Prolex™ Negative Control Latex Reagent.
The positive samples that showed agglutination were declared as positive for E. coli O157:H7.
1 cattle was positive for E. coli O157:H7 in management system A and 4 Cattle were positive in management system B, no buffalo meat sample positive in both systems. The results showed that E. coli O157:H7 was present in our meat value chain and a food safety hazard also. In management system A 1 meat sample was positive for harmful pathogenic bacteria. In management system B, 4 meat samples were positive for E. coli O157:H7.
The conclusion of this study, Management system A is better than Management system B to minimize the occurrence of E. coli O157:H7.



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