Muhammad Jhazaib Arslan (2014-VA-956)

Effects Of Digestible Lysine Levels On Production Efficiency, Protein Digestibility, Gut Health And Carcass Characteristics In Broilers Fed Different Protein Sources - 2016. - 55p.;

In Pakistan, poultry is a vibrant part of agriculture. Nutritional and genetic improvements resulted in accelerated PEF in broilers. This improved broiler production efficiency requires greater amount of digestible nutrients like digestible amino acids. Feeding cost accounts for 70% of total cost and protein is the most expensive component of broilers ration. Future poultry rations will be formulated by using poorly digestible and cheaper protein sources such as SFM and CM due to price instability of highly digestible sources like SBM. The undigested protein in hind gut subjected to microbial fermentation, results in formation of nitrogenous products that are harmful to birds. The possible solution to this problem is supplementation of synthetic amino acids in low nutrient density (CP) diets formulated by using cheaper and poorly digestible protein sources. Therefore a study was designed with the objectives to determine the impact of dLys on production efficiency, TTP digestibility, gut health and carcass characteristics in broilers fed poorly digestible protein sources (CM and SFM). An experiment with 624 Ross 308 1-d-old broilers was conducted to test the hypothesis that supplementation of dLys may improve production efficiency, TTP digestibility, gut health and carcass characteristics of the broilers fed poorly digestible protein sources (CM and SFM). The interaction effects of the protein source (CM vs. SFM), CP levels (high vs. low) and dLys (high, medium and low) were tested in a factorial arrangement of 12 (2 × 2 × 3) dietary treatments and 1 control treatment. The supplementation of dLys positively influenced production efficiency (P <0.001). The birds fed diets containing 19% CP showed 8.53% greater TTP digestibility compared with those fed diets with 17% CP, however, VH was influenced by protein source (P<0.001) and CP level (P = 0.030), however, not influenced by dLys levels while CD was influenced by dLys levels (P = 0.023). The birds fed 1.16% dLys supplemented diet had a 9.6 and 7.5% greater dressed weight with giblets compared with those birds fed diets with 1.10 and 1.21% level of dLys. In conclusion, supplementation of dLys improves the broiler production efficiency fed poorly digestible protein sources (CM and SFM). The negative effects of poorly digestible protein sources thus may be partially ameliorated by supplementation of dLys.
Supplementation of dLys above the recommended levels (1.16%) improves the production efficiency, TTP digestibility of protein, gut health and carcass characteristics in broilers fed poorly digestible protein sources (CM and SFM). In conclusion, the efficiency of poorly digestible protein sources may be improved by supplementation of dLys at level of 1.16%.

Animal Nutrition


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