Rashid, M

Studies On The Isolation And Serotyping Of Salmonella From Faecal Material Of Buffaloes - 1987

Health of human population alongwith animals is always at risk when Salmonella shedding carriers are present. The modern trend of Farm industry makes it more important to look out for the carriers and treat them to save the other animals and man from Salmonellosis.

The present work Was under-taken to determine the Salmonella carrier state in healthy buffaloes, in an attempt to understand the epidemiological role played by these animals in the transmission of Salmonella infection to other animals and man.

The faecal samples. were collected from 1000 animals. A series of enrichment, selective and differential media, biochemical& 6ro1ogy teste were used for isolation,iden- tification and serotyping of Sa.iionella from the faecal specimens.

It was observed that 18 animals out of 1000(1.8%)were carrier of Salmonella.

Salmonella typhimurium was isolated from 12 cases while Slamonella butantan was isolated from 6 cases. Occurrence of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella butantan are important from Veterinary Public Health point of view.

Department of Microbiology


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