Basharat Ali

Diagnosis And Treatment Trials Of Simple Indigestion In Sheep And Goat - 1998

This research project was conducted at Outdoor 1-Jospital, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore. Forty animals i.e. sheep and goats suffering from simple indigestion were selected, the diagnosis was based on history clinical signs and physical examination
Laboratory examination including rumen pH, serum pH, Ketone bodies estimation, protozoa motility test and cellulose digestion test were also performed to confirm the diagnosis, Animals were divided into four groups A,B,C, and D comprising 10 animals each. Animals of group A.B and, C were treated with Magnesium sulphate 50 gm. Magnesium hydro-oxide 50 gm and 1-1/2 liter normal saline once orally respectively while group D was kept as untreated control.

Before treatment, rurnen pH, values 5.702±0.195, 5.681±0.180,5.466±0.074,5.813±0.276 and cellulose digestion test time values 31.3±2.4,31.3±2.3,33.6±0.7, 30.1±3.1 hours in the four groups respectively. Minor protozoa! motility was observed alongwith no serious changes in serum pH and absence of ketone bodies in all the groups. few cases of increased rumen pH were due to ingestion of legumes or urea.

After treatment in group A protozoa motility was moderat while Rumen pH, cellulose digestion test time was 6.248±0.127 and 23.7±0.7 hours respectively. In group B which was treated with magnesium hydro-oxide normal rumen pH value was 6.981±0.034 and cellulose digestion test time 12.6±0.6 hours. In group C little protozoal movements were observed with minor improvement in rumen pH and cellulose digestion test time while in group D, the health of the animals further deteriorated with more disturbance in rumen pH and cellulose digestion test time values.

Magnesium hydro-oxide emerged as effective and economical
drug for the treatment of this condition.

Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery


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