Irfan Hashmi

To Study The Adsorption Potential Of Yeast Sludge Against Aflatoxins In Broiler Chicks - 2005

Aflatoxins, the flungal toxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are potent toxin as natural contaminants ol' lce(l stulis. Aflatoxin effects all species of animal and poultry resulting. depressed growth. production and immunity against diseases. The research study was conducted 0 study the adsorption potential of Yeast sludge against atlatoxins in broiler chicks. For this two hundred and forty day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided into twenty four units each containing 1 0 chicks and these twenty lour units erc divided into six treatments.

Six experimental rations (starter and finisher) A (100 ppb allatoxins). AI (100 ppb aflatoxins + 1% yeast sludge). B (200 ppb aflatoxins). B 1 (201) pph aflatoxins + 1% yeast sludge). C (300 ppb afiatoxins). Cl (300 pph aflatoxins 1% yeast sludge) were prepared and 1d to the experimental chicks Iron) six to forty-two days of age. The aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus parsilicus Ii 0111 own laboratory. The data thus collected in terms of weight gain. feed consumption. FCR, serum total protein, serum albumin, alanine transaminase (ALT). aflatoxin concentration in liver and mortality were analyzed statistically. The results of this study showed that weight gain, feed consumption and FCR were not significantly different as compared to groups which were supplemented with yeast sludge, but total serum protein, serum albumin, antibody titer of' ND and aflatoxin concentration in liver were high in groups supplemented with yeast sludge as compared to groups which were fed diets containing only aflatoxins and were not supplemented with yeast sludge.

The results revealed that the ration with 1% yeast sludge supplementation and having 100 ppb aflatoxins showed less mortality, ALT activity and aflatoxins concentration in liver and high serum total protein, serum albumin and antibody titer of ND as compared to groups which were not supplemented with yeast sludge. In case of 200 ppb aflatoxins and 1% yeast sludge results showed less mortality. ALT activity and aflatoxins concentration in liver and high serum total protein. Serum albumin and antibody titer of ND as compared to groups which were not supplemented with yeast sludge.

In case of 300 ppb aflatoxins and 1% yeast sludge results showed less mortality, ALT activity and aflatoxins concentration in liver and high serum total protein, serum albumin and antibody titer of ND as compared to groups which were not supplemented with yeast sludge.

The present research indicates that use of yeast sludge against aflatoxins showed best results, however 1% yeast sludge contains a very limited amount (0.26)% of Mannan oligosaccharide as aflatoxin adsorbent. So, there is a need to use higher levels of yeast sludge or improve its adsorbing ability such as centrifugation and ultrasonication. This research is the first step in this field and it is recommended to launch a full fluged project to reveal the other beneficial characteristics of yeast sludge such as immune boaster, probiotic activity, provision of highly digestible inorganic material, blocking colonization of pathogens, provision of nutrients that cannot be used by pathogens and stabilizes pH in the rumen etc.

Department of Animal Nutrition


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