Muhammad Ihtisham Umar

In Vitro Antibacterial Effect Of Opuntia Dillenii And Zingiber Officinale Extracts - 2008

This study was designed to test the antibacterial activity of Opuntia dillenii (Chhittarthohar) and Zingiber officinale (Ginger) extracts in four different solvents i.e. petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and water against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coil and Salmonella lyphi. Plant material was cut into small pieces and dried in desiccators. Each plant material was weighed and 20.0 grams of it was taken in four different bottles and the bottles were labeled as petroleum ether extract, chloroform extract, methanol extract and water extract. 500.0 ml of each solvent was added in the respective bottle. Plant material was macerated for three days. The extracts were filtered by whatmann's filter papers, dried in vacuum desiccators and the powder mass obtained was weighed and then reconstituted in respective solvent to get the final extract of known concentrations.

Each of the bacteria was inoculated separately in the nutrient agar medium in a concentration of 106 CFU/ml and the media was poured in petri dishes and was allowed to solidify. Five wells of 1 .0 centimeter diameter were cut in each petri dish by the help of a cork borer. 200pA of plant extract (containing 2000 jig) was poured in one well and 400 jil of extract (containing 4000 jig) was poured in second well. Gentamicin (400 jig per well) and penicillin-G (640 jig per well) were used as positive controls and respective solvent was used as negative control for each extract. The plates were remained open for 20 minutes in laminar flow hood, allowing organic solvents to evaporate and then the plates were closed and incubated at 37 degree Celsius for 24 hours and the diameter of inhibitory zone was calculated in millimeters. Each experiment was performed in five replicates. Both plant extracts showed considerable activity against gram positive bacteria. However, only ginger extract showed activity against Escherichia coli. Plant extracts showed no activity against Salmonella typhi. Petroleum ether and chloroform extract of ginger showed more activity against gram positive bacteria and methanol and water extract of ginger showed more activity against gram negative bacteria.

Department of Pharmaoclogy & Toxicology


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