Rabia Altaf

Potentiation Of Fluoroquinolones By The Use Of Promethazine As Efflux Pump Inhibitor - 2009

This study was conducted to demonstrate the potentiating effect of promethazine, an efflux pump inhibitor, on the sensitivity of Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli against fluoroquinolones. The bacteria were isolated from the field and were identified by using different microbiological techniques. The sensitivity of these bacteria was tested against four Fuoroquinolones i.e. ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, norfioxacin and pefloxacin by using Kirby Bauer method. Diameters of inhibitory zones were measured in millimeters and all the tests were performed in five replicates. The same experiment was revised with the addition of Promethazine in concentrations of 64.tgIml, 128j.tg/ml, 192J1g1m1 and 256.tg/ml to the Petri plates separately. Diameters of inhibitory zones were measured and were compared with the negative control. The diameters of inhibitory zones of Staphylococcus aureus against ciprofloxacin(5 tg), levofloxacin(5 .tg), norfloxacin( 1 Oj.tg) and pefloxacin(5 .tg) alone were 14.6 mm, 20.4mm, 11.2 mm and 13.2mm but in the presence of promethazine in 256ig/ml concentration, the zones were 47.6mm, 39mm, 42.2mm, 35.8mm respectively. The diameters of inhibitory zones of Streptococcus pyogenes against ciprofloxacin(5 j.ig), levofloxacin(5 jig), norfloxacin( 1 Ojig) and pefloxacin(5 jig) alone were 22.4mm, 20.6mm, 15.0mm and 16.8mm but in the presence of promethazine (256j.tg/ml) the diameter of inhibitory zones were 40mm, 41mm, 37.8mm, 41.4mm respectively. The diameters of inhibitory zones of Escherichia coil against ciprofloxacin(5 jig), levofloxacin(5 jig), norfloxacin(lOjig) and pefloxacin(5 jig) alone were 23.2mm, 19.6mm, 20mm and 17mm but in the presence of Promethazine (256gig/ml) the zones were 42mm, 39mm, 43mm, 35mm respectively.

The increase in the diameter of inhibitory zones of bacteria against fluoroquinolones measured first in the absence and then in the presence of promethazine was found to be significant with P value less than 0.05. the results also demonstrated that this increase in the diameter of inhibitory zones was related to the increasing dose of promethazine, indicating that the increase in the susceptibility of bacteria for fluoroquinolones was a result of inhihition of bacterial efflux pumps by promethazine.

Department of Pharmaoclogy & Toxicology


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