Lane, D. R.

Veterinary Nursing : Formerly Jones's Animal Nursing B. C. Cooper. - 5 Sub ed. - UK: Pergamon Press; 1994. - 600 p. ; - Pergamon Veterinary Handbook .

"Veterinary Nursing" replaces the well known and trusted "Jones's Animal Nursing, 5th Edition." The change in name reflects the current professional title of veterinary nurse and accurately describes a book devoted to the nursing and care of small animals. Dick Lane, who has edited previous editions of "Jones's" is this time joined by Barbara Cooper, herself a veterinary nurse and former president of the BVNA. The content of the book has been broadened to reflect the wider role of veterinary nurses and the more demanding syllabus that they must complete. New topics include bereavement counselling, behavioural problems, health and safety and legislation. All of the foundation chapters (eg Anatomy and Physiology, First Aid and Medical Nursing) have been extensively revised. This has been achieved by the addition of 17 new authors giving the book the benefit of their varied expertise and experience. The information that is contained in this book has been packaged as a 2-Volume set. The format of the book has been enlarged and a new style of charts, tables and line drawings make the information accessible and attractive. The recent broadening of the veterinary nursing syllabus, plus the internationalization of the profession, means that this new edition not only forms the mainstay of the veterinary nurse in training but is also an invaluable reference manual for qualified veterinary nurses, veterinary technicians and veterinarians.

0080422888 (hardcover) 9780080422886 (hardcover)

Veterinary nursing
Clinical Medicine and Surgery

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