Usman Mir Khan (2009-VA-510)

Development Of Cheddar Cheese By Using Crude Flowers Extract Of Citrus Aurantium (Sour Orange) As A Milk Coagulant - 2015 - 60p.;

Presently in Pakistan a few dairy companies are producing Cheddar cheese. Several
alternative proteases obtained from different vegetable and fruit sources such as fruits,
roots, latex and flowers have been recommended as rennet coagulant replacer in cheeses
processing. As there is now decrease in slaughtering of young calves, natural rennet
shortage occurs, so to fill it, sometimes alternates of rennet used in cheese production
This research project was designed to implement and introduce the use of Citrus
aurantium crude flower extracts (CFE) as an economical, easily available and rennet
substitute in Cheddar cheese production. CFE was evaluated for its first time usage as
coagulant in Cheddar cheese production and compared with rennet for its physicochemical
characteristics and sensory evaluation.
Cheddar cheese was made from buffalo milk. Standardized buffalo milk was pasteurized
and then cooled to inoculation temperature. It was inoculated with addition of 2% of
starter culture and given stay of 20-50 minutes. Then control sample was coagulated with
0.002% rennet and other samples were coagulated by Citrus aurantium crude flower
extracts (CFE) at different levels of 1%, 2 %, 3% and 4% at coagulation time. After
curdling, curd was cut, stirred and whey was drained. Then milling and cheddaring of
cheese blocks was done. Salting was done at the rate of 2.5%. After pressing, cheese was
stored in hygienic packaging and left for ripening at 10°C for 2 to 3 months.
Acceptability of newly developed Cheddar cheese using crude flower extracts (CFE) as a
coagulant was evaluated by sensory evaluation using criteria of color, Cheddar cheese
samples were analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics and sensory evaluation at 63
days of storage. The statistical analysis was carried out by using one way Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) techniques under (CRD) Completely Randomized Design (Steel et
al. 1987). Duncan’s Multiple Range (DMR) Test was used for significant difference
comparisons (SAS 9.1 Statistical Software).
The cheese prepared from using 1% and 4% CFE cheese showed higher fat contents from
0 to 63 days while CFE cheese prepared with 1% and 3% have significant fat contents
and less than control sample prepared with rennet. Cheddar cheese with %, 2% and 3%
showed similar 25% protein content respectively but less than 4% and rennet coagulated
standard Cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese made from 2% and 1% CFE showed slightly
higher moisture content while 3% and 4% showed moisture content of 33% almost
similar to the rennet coagulated Cheddar cheese which showed 32% of moisture content.
The cheese prepared from using 4% CFE cheese showed highest pH of 5.57 at 0 days
while after storage at 63 days pH decreased to 5.52. CFE Cheddar cheese prepared with
1%, 2% and 3% showed pH of 5.55 at 0 days and decreased to 5.52 which is standard pH
of the Cheddar cheese. Salting of all cheese samples was done at the rate of 2.5%. The
cheese prepared from using 2% and 3% CFE showed decrease in salt but it was higher
than 1% and controlled Cheddar cheese. While 4% showed lower salt contents than all
cheeses. Results showed that cheeses were made with 1% and 2% of CFE had a longer
and slightly softer texture. While cheeses contained 3% and 4% CFE had semi-hard
textural properties of curd similar to rennet added cheese which is similar to the standard
Cheddar cheese made with rennet. Cheddar cheese with 3% and 1% were preferred by
consumers instead of 2% and 4% for their better taste, texture/appearance and overall
acceptability but it was less preferred over standard Cheddar cheese (controlled) due to
the presence of bitter and intense aroma compounds of Citrus aurantium flowers.
It will give a benefit to the cheese industry by introducing a new economical, nutritional
and easily available rennet substitute source of milk coagulation. Pakistan is producing
largest amount of Citrus aurantium, so it will improve its export in other countries for
usage as an alternate of rennet and to provide economic benefits to our country.
Furthermore, it will open new ways for researchers to find out the characterization of
extract and enzyme of CFE.

Department of Dairy Technology


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