Hampson, D J.

Intestinal Spirochaetes in Domestic Animals and Humans - 1st ed. - UK: CABI, 1997. - 400 p. ;

Spirochaete bacteria are commonly found in the gastro-intestinal tracts of animals. A number of intestinal spirochaete species are now recognized as a cause of disease in a variety of animal species, including pigs, poultry and humans. This book is the first to review the literature on these important bacteria and the diseases they cause. It brings together the available information from different disciplines, and on different animal host species, and provides an overview of current understanding in the area. A major purpose is to summarize and clarify what is known, and to identify what needs further study in this emerging field. By doing this the book streamlines, stimulates and improves the effectiveness of collaborative research on these bacteria and associated diseases. Written by leading authorities from North America, Europe and Australia, the book is aimed at research workers, advanced students and clinicians in general, medical and veterinary microbiology.

0851991408 (hardcover) 9780851991405 (hardcover)

Human Parasitology
Veterinary Bacteriology
Intestinal Spirochaetes
Human Intestinal Spirochetosis

616.340142 Hampson 20552 1st 1997 Parasitology

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