Maryam Batool (2010-Va-360)

Development And Quality Enhancement Of Cottage Cheese Made From Nili Ravi Buffalo Postpartum Milk (Colostrum) - 2016. - 152p.;

Colostrum is milk obtained from mammals secreted after parturition. It differs from normal milk
as it contains numerous bioactive components which include growth factors, lacto-peroxidase,
lacto-ferrin, Igs, lysozyme, nucleosides, vitamins, oligosaccharides and peptides, which are health
promoters. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of cyanocobalamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine.
Using colostrum for making cottage cheese can give opportunities to increase cottage cheese
quality which may be more functional, healthier with high yield. Preservation of colostrum in the
form of cottage cheese can be supportive for obtaining functional cheese with enhanced shelf life.
Nili Ravi Buffalo postpartum milk was used for the production of Cottage cheese. While the
control was prepared from Nili-Ravi buffalo normal milk. Milk was pasteurized at 63 °C for
around 30 minutes in batch pasteurizer. Then the milk temperature was brought down at 37°C for
inoculation with the mother cultures mentioned above at 2% level. Three replicates for each
treatment was prepared. Incubation continued for 30 minutes at 42°C. Then 1.7 ml CaCl2 was
added and after 10 minutes 1.7 ml of rennet solution was added in cheese milk and left for another
40 minutes for coagulation. Then the curds was cut into 1cm3 and healed for 10 minutes. The
temperature is raised to 55°C for cooking for 30 minutes. Then whey was drained for 24 hrs. The
curd was pressed and shaped into mold and then wrapped in aluminum foil and stored at 4°C for
7 days for further analysis. The physicochemical analysis such as pH, Acidity%, Fat %, TS %, Ash
%, Chlorides %, Casein %, Protein% and Lactose% of Colostrum and Colostrum based Cottage
cheese with respect to control was carried out by standard methods as described in AOAC. The
data thus collected were analyzed through one way analysis of variance under Completely
Randomized Design (CRD). Means were compared through Duncan’s Multiple Range (DMR)
Test (SAS 9.1 Statistical Software).
Physicochemical analysis of Colostrum showed that pH is in the increasing trend with the increase
of age of milk and results showed that Colostrum pH values lower than milk values and were
related to the high proteins content that is usually revealed in colostrum obtained 2-3 days after
birth. While the trend of titratable acidity %, fat %, chlorides %, specific gravity, ash %, Total
solids %, Total protein % and casein % is decreasing with an increase in the age (Days) of
postpartum milk.
Physicochemical analysis of Colostrum Cottage Cheese showed that the trend of pH of colostrum
cottage cheese remained constant with the increase of age. The trend of lactose% and ash % is
increasing with an increase in the age of postpartum milk. While the trend of titratable acidity %,
fat %, chloride%, total solids %, total protein % and casein % of cottage cheese is decreasing with
an increase in the age (days) of postpartum milk.
Microbiological analysis of Cottage cheese was examined. Coliforms remained absent (<10 cfu/g)
during whole storage time. Total Plate Count (TPC) was not significantly different throughout the
storage period as it renders growth if there are hygiene and proper storage conditions available.
Sensory evaluation was be carried out using criteria of appearance, taste, color, flavor and whole
acceptability on a hedonic scale of nine points. T0, T3, T4 and T5 showed cheese like aroma, T1
showed yoghurt like aroma while T2 showed cheese like/ slight acidic aroma after 7 days of storage
period. T0 and T5 showed whitish appearance, T1 showed light yellow appearance, T2 showed
slight creamy like color after 7 days of storage period while T3 and T4 showed off white
appearance after 7 days of storage period. T0, T4 and T5 showed light acidic flavor, T1 and T2
showed slight saltish / most bitterness in taste while T3 showed acidic taste after 7 days of storage
period. T0 and T5showed granular texture with no creaminess, T1 showed soft yoghurt like
texture, T2 showed meaty / hard texture while T3 and T4 showed harder toffee like texture after 7
days of storage period.
Colostrum is the most proteinaceous food as compared to milk and improves the nutritional aspects
as well as quality and yield of the products. So Cottage cheese made from Colostrum is more
nutritious, functional with probiotic characters as well as enhanced physico-chemical properties
with high yield.

Department of Dairy Technology


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